Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Graduation song

My Graduation song


Like a hook to its' eye; fix me

Least I know no blind alley

But blissful in things I do


Brush my hair and buff my look

I bloat the blitz-Krieg and blizzard of hinders

Receiving it coolly, it's mandate they stay-off me

Whip the dust from my face

For the sun, if she wishes to over reflect on me

Put my compatriots to shame as I turn mirror


Roll my sleeves and pop my collars

Let me enjoy prosperity in the fast lane

Since you've made me a fast-track graduate

Drive my feet away from gammy life

Sharpen my eyes and thought so I dodge the germs in air

Even when I'm under the influence; Success I taste in G and T


By fastening my drawstring and tying my lace

Bring success to me on everyday race

Let failure know not my stunning face

Tighten my belt and run my zipper

Not all that zing that sings

My life is a fascinating song.



By Onyeche Vincent onyeka

© 2009